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Objective: To evaluate the changing pattern of serum leptin level and the correlation between estradiol level during the clomiphene citrate challenge test(CCCT) or controlled ovarian hyperstimulation(COH) cycle.
Methods: Twenty-seven women who underwent CCCT and fourteen women who underwent controlled ovarian hyperstimulation were recruited to measure the serum leptin level. After correction of serum concentration with body mass index(BMI), changes of leptin level and correlation with serum estradiol level during CCCT and COH cycle were analyzed.
Results: Circulating leptin levels were significantly correlated with BMI at each time point in CCCT cycle(p<0.01). In CCCT cycle, leptin/BMI level was significantly increased at midluteal phase compared to that of menstrual cycle day 3 and 10(p<0.05). In women with regular menstruation, leptin/BMI level at midluteal phase was significantly higher than that of menstrual day 3 and 10, but this difference was not seen in women with irregular menstruation. The leptin/BMI level in COH cycle showed increasing tendency throughout ovarian stimulation. But there was no significant correlation between leptin/BMI and estradiol level in CCCT and COH cycle.
Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between BMI and circulating leptin level. Midluteai leptin level is significantly higher than that of follicular phase in CCCT cycle, and there is an increasing tendency in leptin level after ovarian stimulation in `CCCT and COH cycle without statistical significance. These findings suggest that circulating estradiol concentration has no major influence on circulating leptin level.


üÁú·®Áö¼ö;Clomiphene citrate ºÎÇÏ °Ë»ç;°ú¹è¶õ À¯µµ;Leptin;Body mass index(BMI);Clomiphene citrate challenge test;Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation

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