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Objectives: To evaluate the effect of parity & delivery method on female fecal incontinence.
Method: Based on 213 cases of 4 different delivery method and 40 cases of one non-delivery group, a retrospective analysis of the prevalence of female fecal incontinence, between January 1996 and December 1998, was done. With delivery mode, 4 different groups were: first vaginal delivery group , two or more vaginal deliveries group, first cesarean section group, and first vaginal delivery followed by cesarean section group. All subjects were examined by questionaire or phone about the experience of fecal incontinence after delivery. In cases of fecal incontinence , we reviewed the obstetric complications with medical records.
Result: There was no fecal incontinence in the non-delivery group. The incidence of fecal incontinence in the two or more vaginal delivery group(11.7%, 9/77) and the first vaginal delivery followed by cesarean section group(18.1%, 8/44) was higher than the first vaginal delivery group(6.8%, 3/44), and the first cesarean section group(2.1 %, 1/48)(P<0.05). The obstetric complications in fecal incontinence cases were: a prolonged second stage, anal sphincter laceration, vacuum extraction, a large baby etc.
Conclusion: Fecal incontinence was significantly correlated with the number of vaginal deliveries and obstetric complications during delivery. Fecal incontinence after the first vaginal delivery or vaginal delivery followed by cesarean section are very important factors in choosing the next delivery method.


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