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Objectives: To investigate the efficiency of superovulation with intrauterine insemination GUI) in infertile patients.
Materials and methods: Seventy-two cycles of superovulation with JUT in 48 infertile couples in which gonadotrophins were used for hyperstimulation were analysed retrospectively.
Results: Overall clinical pregnancy rate was 33.3% per cycle and 45.8% per patient. By the infertility factor, patients with endometriosis showed the lowest pregnancy rate (10%). Cumulative pregnancy rate (CPR), obtained by life-table analysis, increased as the number of cycles increased: 25.0% for one cycle, 33.3% for two cycle, 40% for three cycle and 50% for more than four cycle.
Conclusions: Superovulation with 1UI is an effective treatment modality in patients with subfecundity, and is worth while trying prior to in vitro fertilization procedure in those patients.


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