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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the clinical features, microbiologic results, and the efficacy of perineal hygienic care of pediatric vulvovaginitis.
Methods: Forty-two unselected premenarcheal patients with symptoms or signs of vulvovaginitis who were attended the outpatient pediatric and adolescent gynecology clinic at Pundang CHA General Hospital from August 1997, to September 1999 were systematically interviewed and examined using a standardized format, studied microbiologically, and followed the efficacy of perineal hygienic measures prospectively.
Results: The median age of the patients was 4.8 years (range 2.9 years to 10.9 years). Vaginal complaints of 42 patients were discharge(79%), genital pain or irritation(31%), odor(17%), pruritus(14%), and vaginal bleeding(7%). On physical examination, vaginal discharge and vulvar erythema were noted in 17(40%) and 22(52%) patients, respectively. Aerobic bacteria or yeast excluding vaginal normal flora were found in 24 of 42 patients(57%). Convincing evidence of specific pathogens was found in 9 of 42 patients(21%) including one case of pinworm infestation. Isolated pathogens were H. influenza(3), S. pyogenes(2), K pneumonia(2) and N. gonorrhea(l). No patients were found to have chlamydial infection or trichomon asis. In 14 patients, risk factors were identified such as swimming(14%), bubble bath(5%), sexual abuse(5%), genital trauma(5%) and foreign body(2%). After two weeks instructions of perineal hygienic care, 26(62%) of 42 patients revealed complete resolution of symptoms and signs of vaginitis without antibiotics. Efficacies of perineal hygienic care were 94%(17/18) in the patients with normal flora alone, 60%(9/15) in the patients with organisms suspected for nonspecific infection and 0%(0/9) in the patients with specific pathogens(p<0.05).
Conclusion: Majority(62%) of the pediatric patients with symptoms or signs of vulvovaginitis were cured with perineal hygienic care alone. And the efficacy of hygienic measure were higher in the patients without specific pathogens(79%, 26/33). Therefore, proper physical examination, microbiologic study and appropriate instructions of perineal hygienic care were more important than empirical antibiotic treatment in initial management of pediatric vulvovaginitis.


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