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Space loss of dental arch can appear when the proper position of teeth within the dental arch changes by a certain cause, because the balance of force makes changes about tooth position as well as alignment. The causes of space loss include proximal caries, early extraction, congenital missing of a tooth and hypodontia, etc. Among those causes of space loss, congenital missing of a tooth is more rarely observed in the primary dentition than in the permanent dentition. Congenital missing in the primary dentition is associated with that in the permanent dentition. Furthermore, it can cause space problem, such as mesial tilting or drift of adjacent teeth, space loss for permanent successors and dental arch constriction, etc. Primary lateral incisors is the most commonly involved, in the maxilla rather than in the mandible, but primary canine is rarely reported. In this patient, who visited the department of pediatric dentistry at Yonsei university dental hospital, it was observed that the maxillary right primary canine was congenitally missing and an odontoma was found insteadly. However, neither the space loss for the congenitally missing primary canine nor midline deviation is remarkable during the 2-year-10-month observation period. In addition, any clinical or radiographical symptom did not occur in spite of odontoma. Therefore, surgical enucleation of odontoma is planned according to the eruption of permanent lateral incisor or canine, unless eruption failure of permanent lateral incisor or canine nor cystic change around the odontoma is occurred. Through further evaluation, space maintainer or orthodontic treatment may be necessary.


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Primary canine; Space; Odontoma

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