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Trauma commonly leads to ankylosis for the tooth whose periodontal ligaments have been injured. In growing patients, an ankylosed tooth can disrupt alveolar development, resulting in infraocclusion of the affected tooth. Consequently, this causes aesthetic problems during adolescence, interferes with prosthetic treatment due to the inclination of adjacent teeth, and complicates orthodontic dental movement. When the infraoccluded ankylosed tooth is extracted, a considerable amount of alveolar bone is lost, especially in the maxillary anterior region. Moreover, depression of the thin buccal alveolar bone compromises aesthetic restoration. In order to prevent alveolar bone loss, the ankylosed tooth should be treated by decoronation. In the present study, the traumatically injured maxillary incisors of 9-year-old and 10-year-old patients that present infraocclusion accompanied by ankylosis were treated with decoronation procedures. Decoronation procedures were performed when the affected teeth were 2-3 mm below relatively to the adjacent teeth. Moreover, the patients were treated before they get to 16 years old considering the maximum growth peak of the korean adolescents. As the results, there are favorable clinical results associated not only with preservation of horizontal alveolar volume but also with increase in vertical alveolar height after decoronation in growing individuals.


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Ankylosis; Submerged tooth; Decoronation; Permanent incisor

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