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The aim of this study was to evaluate the fluoride release and microhardness of Beautifil II as giomer(Group I), F2000 Compomer as compomer(Group II), GC Fuji II LC Capsule as resin-modified glass ionomer(Group III) and Z350 as composite resin(Group IV) according to time. Forty discs(5 mm diameter and 2 mm height) were prepared for each material. Each disc was immersed in 3 ml of de-ionized water within polyethylene tube and stored at . Evaluations were performed by pH/ISE meter for analysis of fluoride release and hardness testing machine for analysis of microhardness over 31 days. The results can be summarized as follows : 1. For all groups except group IV, the greatest fluoride release was observed after the first day of the study period and then dramatically diminished over time. On the 7th day of the study period, fluoride release level was stabilized. 2. Group III showed the highest fluoride release among test groups and then group II, group I were followed. Significant difference in cumulative fluoride release over 31 days was found between each groups. Group IV showed no fluoride release during study period. 3. Group IV showed the highest microhardness among test groups and then group I, group II, group III were followed. Significant difference in microhardness was found between each group, except between group I and group II. 4. After 31 days, microhardness was slightly diminished in every group. However, no significant difference was found.


ÀÚÀÌ¿À¸Ó; PRG ÇÊ·¯; ºÒ¼Ò À¯¸®; ¹Ì¼¼°æµµ
Giomer; PRG-technology; Fluoride release; Microhardness

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