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Dens evaginatus is a tooth with cylindrical enamel projection which forms a nodule on occlusal surface. It could be explained as outward overgrowth of inner enamel epithelium or localized hyperplasia of pulpal mesenchymal tissue during tooth development. A problem is that it is likely to be worn out or fractured by mastication ensuing pulpal inflammation. It is occasionally found on the lingual surface of upper anterior teeth as well, called talon cusp. Dens invaginatus is a tooth with deep lingual pit made by invagination of lingual enamel epithelium during tooth development while it is considered normal in terms of size and shape. Radiographically, a part of cervical enamel shows inward growth forming cavity and it is reasonable to say that the base is possibly open to pulpal cavity since they are very close. Talon cusp and dens invaginatus are relatively common abnormality of shape. However it becomes the opposite if the two exist in the same tooth. Once the talon cusp is broken by occlusal force or fissure between cusps is decayed, the complicated structure of canals makes the pulpal treatment difficult. Preventive treatments such as occlusal equilibrium and sealant, and regular oral examination should be preceded and thorough understanding of canal shape, using radiography, is required when pulpal treatment is necessary. This report is about a 9- year-old boy(lower left central incisor), a 8-year-old girl(upper right central incisor), and a 7-year-old boy(upper right central incisor), who have dens invaginatus and talon cusp in the same teeth. The first and the second patients are under pulpal treatments, and the last one is being observed showing no pathologic impressions.


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Talon cusp; Dens invaginatus; Dens evaginatus

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