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Odontoma represents 22% of all odontogenic tumors, which is characterized by slow growth pattern. Most of the odontomas usually develop during dental follicle proliferation. The growth of odontoma is limited and lesion is generally asymptomatic. It is frequently diagnosed during assessments for delayed eruption of permanent tooth and is usually founded in the second decade of life. Odontoma is usually diagnosed through radiographic views and is difficult to diagnose at the early developmental stage of odontoma. But an uncalcified developing odontoma can disturb the eruption of the tooth, so it is important to perform periodic radiographic examinations. Treatments are surgical removal and observation of odontoma followed by surgical opening or orthodontic traction of impacted tooth according to the tooth development and the location of impacted tooth. In this case, we found the radiopaque calcified odontoma in the radiographic view meanwhile follow up of the impacted tooth showing idiopathic eruption disturbance. This suggests that a developing odontoma is the cause of eruption disturbace.


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Odontoma; Uncalcifying; Eruption disturbance

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