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Early eruption refers to an accelerated eruption of a tooth beyond the normal eruption period. The clinical findings of an early erupted tooth with little formation of crown and/or root include severe mobility, pain on chewing, hypocalcification of the enamel, and inclination, displacement, and rotation of the tooth. The radiographic findings include underdeveloped root and insufficient bone support. Early eruption of a permanent tooth can cause several complications such as chronic trauma, pain, edema, an increased rate of premolar impaction and tooth displacement and/or rotation. Therefore, when a permanent tooth erupts earlier than its normal eruption period with accompanying symptoms, appropriate treatments should be done as soon as possible. A female patient of age 7 without any systemic disease was referred from a local dental clinic with chief complaint of severe mobilities and pain in both upper first premolars. According to the clinical and radiographic examinations, the permanent teeth erupted earlier with barely formed roots, severe mobilities, edema, and pain. This case is to report the successful accomplishment of root formations and stabilization of teeth after applying intraoral fixed appliances using bands and spurs for 14 months.


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Premature eruption; Tooth eruption; Stabilizing appliance; Succedaneous permanent tooth

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