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During tooth formation, tooth development can be affected by physical action or metabolic changes around dental follicle. Especially trauma to primary dentition is the most representative physical factor that can cause development disorders of succedaneous tooth. Enamel hypoplasia and crown discoloration of succedaneous tooth are common complications of trauma. And impaction, ectopic eruption, arrest of root formation and root dilaceration of succedaneous tooth are rare. In this case, a 6-year and 5-month-old female patient visited for dental evaluation after trauma. She was diagnosed with alveolar bone fracture near upper front teeth, extrusion of the upper right and left primary central incisors, intrusion of the upper right primary lateral incisor, and palatal luxation of the upper left primary lateral incisor. Upper right and left primary central incisors with severe mobility were extracted, with gingival suture on the day of the visit. During 24 months check up, root dilacerations were found near the cemento enamel junction in the upper lateral incisors and arrests of root formation were found on the coronal 1/3 of the root in the upper central incisors. Although alveolar bone fracture is rare type of trauma in children, a thorough examination of alveolar bone is essential for prognosis and following treatment in patients with trauma.


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Trauma; Alveolar bone fracture; Root malformation; Primary dentition; Permanent incisor

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