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Traumatic injury on tooth occurs frequently among trauma patients, and mainly occurs on tooth with premature roots which influences pulp tissue, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and Hertwig¡¯s epithelial root sheath. According to the degree of trauma, a number of kinds of healing process can be observed, such as complete re-vascularization of pulp, root canal obliteration, growth suspension of root apex, and invasion of alveolar bone into root canal, and there can be some complications such as necrotic change of inflammatory root resorption and partial pulp necrosis due to pulp necrosis toward complete necrosis. In this clinical case, 3 patients who had traumatic injury showed root growth suspension and alveolar bone invasion into root canal due to proliferation of periodontal ligament cell and osteocyte at the base of extraction socket into pulp chamber because of the injury on Hertwig¡¯s epithelial root sheath. If intrusion of alveolar bone into root canal due to injury on Hertwig¡¯s epithelial root sheath after having traumatic injury doesn¡¯t show any complication, the pulp may be considered to have normal vitality and doesn¡¯t need any further treatment, therefore differential diagnosis is very necessary. However, it may be accompanied with suspension of root growth, therefore, additional trauma during the treatment of injured tooth should not be applied.


Hertwig »óÇÇ ±ÙÃÊ; ¹Ì¼º¼÷ Ä¡±Ù´Ü; Ä¡Á¶°ñ ÇÔÀÔ
Hertwig¡¯s epithelial root sheath; Premature root; Intrusion of alveolar bone

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