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Supernumerary tooth occurs most frequently at premaxilla area. Followed by mandibular premolar area, mandibular fourth molar area, maxillary paramolar area. Mesiodens are mainly impacted in the palatal area and surgical approach is made at palatal side. The time of surgery remains controversial. In case of inverted or horizontal impacted supernumerary tooth, intraosseous tooth movement and vertical growth of premaxilla makes surgical extraction more difficult. And also the more quantity of removed bone is, the higher degree of difficulty is. Inverted mesiodens of these cases were impacted superior to apex level of adjacent permanent incisor. Although CT examination revealed exact location of impacted tooth, surgical procedure including ostectomy may take a long time more than expected. So, before surgical extraction, it¡¯s need to be considered several factors such as necessity of CT taking, degree of difficulty, direction of surgical approach, necessity of general anesthesia etc.


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Deep Impaction; Mesiodens; Decision of Anesthesia of surgery; General Anesthesia; Local Anesthesia

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