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±è¼±¹Ì ( Kim Seon-Mi ) 
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This study was performed to establish the lateral cephalometric standards of Korean children for diagnosis of antero-posterior and vertical discrepancies of maxillofacial region. The lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken from 100 Korean children with normal occlusion, and then 15 measurements were statistically analysed. The results of this study were as follows : 1. Maxillary length of males was significantly greater than that of females (p < 0.05). There was strong correlation between maxillary and mandibular length (r = 0.625(M), 0.574(F)). 2. Lower facial height of males was significantly greater than that of females (p < 0.05). Furthermore, there was strong correlation between total facial height and upper facial height (r = 0.405(M), 0.417(F)) and very strong correlation between total facial height and lower facial height (r = 0.763(M), 0.787(F)). 3. All measurements for dento-alveolar relation showed no statistically significant sex difference. Maxillary length showed strong correlation with mandibular plane - lower incisor (r = 0.474(M), 0.426(F)) and mandibular plane - lower molar (r = 0.488(M), 0.499(F)).


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10-year-old children with normal occlusion; Lateral cephalometric study; Antero-posterior and vertical discrepancies

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