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°¡Á· ³»¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Á¦ 1Çü »ó¾ÆÁú ÀÌÇü¼ºÁõ: Áõ·Êº¸°í Familial Occurrence of Dentin Dysplasia Type I: Case Report

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Dentin dysplasia is a rare hereditary disturbance characterized by a dental anomaly of the dentin layer. The etiology is unclear, and this rare hereditary disturbance affects approximately one person in every 100,000. Dentin dysplasia is classified into two types, radicular dentin dysplasia as type I and coronal dentin dysplasia as type II. The characteristic clinical findings of dentin dysplasia type I are normal appearance of the crown and hypermobility of teeth. The radiographic findings are obliteration of all pulp canals, short, blunted and malformed or absent roots. Dentin dysplasia type II as coronal dentin dysplasia shows similar clinical features with dentinogensis imperfecta. This report shows a case of dentin dysplasia type I affecting one family except the father. The clinical, radiographic and histopathologic findings of this family are presented. Dentin dysplasia type I is difficult to diagnose unless dentist performs radiographic examination. If the affecting patient does not get regular dental care, dental abscesses or cysts may form spontaneously without caries. In this regard, early diagnosis is important to prevent premature loss of dentition.


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Dentin dysplasia; Hereditary disorder; Rootless teeth

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