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Á¤Áß°úÀ×Ä¡ Á¶±â ¹ß°Å¿¡ µû¸¥ »ó¾Ç ¿µ±¸ÁßÀýÄ¡ ȸÀüÀÇ °³¼± The Effect of Early Removal of Mesiodens for the Correction of Central Incisor

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Mesiodens is defined as a supernumerary tooth in the premaxillary region. It can cause several clinical manifestations in normal eruption and position of adjacent teeth, such as displacement and impaction. Although the mesiodens accompanied by a clinical complication is indicated for removal, the optimal time of mesiodens removal is still controversial. Some authors suggest immediate intervention defining the removal of mesiodens as soon as possible after the first detection. On the other hand, others recommend delayed intervention which denotes the removal of mesiodens after complete root development of adjacent teeth. This case report is presented with three cases of spontaneous correction and proper alignment of rotated maxillary central incisors by extraction of mesiodens when the crowns of rotated incisors were completely formed while the roots of them were at an early developmental stage.


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Mesiodens; Rotated central incisors; Early root developmental stage; Spontaneous correction

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