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Cleft lip and palate(CLP) is one of the most common craniofacial deformities that requires systemic management involving a multidisciplinary team approach. Although there has been great improvement in the field of cleft surgery, surgical approach alone cannot resolve the various problems in treating cleft lip and palate. Hence the need for presurgical treatment was appreciated and especially, the concept of presurgical nasoalveolar molding was applied to treat unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate patients. Presurgical nasoalveolar molding(PNAM) of unilateral cleft mainly aims to recover nasal symmetry while the objectives of pre-surgical nasoalveolar molding in the bilateral cleft are to elongate the columella, to erect the tip of nose, and to reposition the forward displaced premaxillary region. This report covers the case of fraternal twins diagnosed with bilateral cleft. Retraction of the premaxillary region and nasoalveolar molding were conducted for 70 days until cheiloplasty, using elastic bands and nasoalveolar molding appliances. After cheiloplasty, there had been improvements in the length of columella and the position of forward-displaced premaxilla for both patients compared to their initial states. The esthetics was also satisfactory for both the surgery and the parents. In order to maximize the efficacy of the appliance, three components should be in balance; patients¡¯ adaptation to the appliance, parents¡¯ cooperation and proper selection and careful adjustment of the appliance by the dentist.


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Presurgical nasoalveolar molding(PNAM); Bilateral cleft; Fraternal twins

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