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´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2014³â 41±Ç 1È£ p.80 ~ 84
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Intractable ulcerating enterocolitis is an uncommon inflammatory bowel disease syndrome of neonatal onset first described in 1991. Intractable ulcerating enterocolitis usually presents in the neonate with a mouth ulceration and the subsequent development of perianal disease and colitis. In this case report, an infant, 18 days from birth, with ulcerative lesion on hard palate for systemic differential diagnosis about oral lesion is referred from the department depiatrics. At that time, there is no abnormality, except oral lesion-like Aphthous ulcer. The patient was discharged from pediatrics, but returned to the hospital 3weeks later with blood diarrhea. As a result of endoscopy, there were large ulcerating lesions and the patient was diagnosed intractable ulcerating enterocolitis. Early recognition of Intractable ulcerating enterocolitis appears to be beneficial because colectomy, as opposed to immunosuppression, appears to be effective in controlling disease symptoms and progression. Most of the infants who were affected intractable ulcerating enterocolitis were normal at birth and oral manifestation appeared earlier than others. So, it is very meaningful for dentists to know about Intractable ulcerating enterocolitis.


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Intractable ulcerating enterocolitis; Aphthous ulcer; Behcet¡¯s disease; Crohn¡¯s disease

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