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Á¦ 24ȸ ¼­¿ï ¼¼°è¼Ò¾ÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸ °³°ü(ËÈκ) Review of 24th Seoul IAPD Congress

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The Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry hosted the $24^{th}$ ¼ö½Ä À̹ÌÁö IAPD Congress in Seoul, Korea on June 12-15, 2013. The main theme of the congress was the "New visions in Pediatric Dentistry" A total number of 1,855 participants, including exhibitors and press from 67 countries, participated in the 24th IAPD Congress. The scientific program consists of 85 invited lectures, 126 oral presentations, and 553 poster presentations. 46 companies and organizations have supported and participated in Seoul IAPD Congress. Overall the congress was a success in terms of high attendance rate from 67 countries over the world. Considering the fact that Korea is located in the far-east, the number of overseas delegates(943) are remarkable. Also it is desirable to have over 100 delegates from developing countries which eventually aim to collaborate worldwide. The scientific program covered a variety of topics and many of the delegates stayed in the session room until the last day of the congress. Although it could have been more beneficial to allot more time for each speaker to discuss further, the program fit the Congress theme "New Visions for Paediatric Dentistry". All social event tickets were sold out early and it attracted participants with interesting program enabling participants to interact and exchange ideas outside of the meeting.


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