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¿¬±¸³ëÆ® µµÀÔÀÇ Çʿ伺°ú ÀüÀÚ¿¬±¸³ëÆ® Need for Laboratory Notebook and Electronic Laboratory Notebook

´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2014³â 41±Ç 3È£ p.272 ~ 276
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Recording of the research procedure and results is the compulsory virtue to scientists. This ensures the objectivity and integrity of research and has become a cornerstone for a junior scholar. Furthermore, we can save time and efforts by avoiding duplication study. Recently on its patent application, the value of laboratory notebook is going to increase. However, there is a limitation to record a voluminous work in a traditional writing laboratory notebook. So, it could be an alternative proposal to convert that into an electronic work or develop an electronic laboratory notebook. Our journal has continuously pursued globalization. Laboratory notebook could be one of the key factors for that goal. In the present study, the authors reviewed the needs for laboratory notebook and tried developing a proto-type electronic laboratory notebook.


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electronic laboratory notebook; laboratory notebook

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