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Á¦1´ë±¸Ä¡¿¡¼­ °üÂûµÇ´Â ºñÁ¤ÇüÀû Ä¡±ÙÇüÅ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Áõ·Êº¸°í Abberant Root Morphology in the Permanent First Molars : Case Reports

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The developmental mechanism of root formation is a complex process. Hereditary and environmental factors may affect the morphology of the developing root.
A total of 12 cases was presented with permanent first molars with abberant root morphology. Clinically, these teeth appeared as a normal crown. However, radiographically, the root was slender, twisted and characterized by irregular lengths. In addition, root trunk length was shorter and pulp chamber was obliterated. In these cases, periapical radiolucency and loss of lamina dura were often observed.
In 6 cases, an abnormal root of the primary second molars were also present, as well as root malformation of permanent first molars. In 3 cases, permanent central incisors also had a dysmorphic crown. These cases almost all had medical history, such as premature birth, brain infection or congenital heart disease in infants.
The present paper describes cases of permanent first molars with an abnormal root that are rarely reported in literature. This case may intensify the variation in the permanent first molar and is intended to reinforce the clinician¡¯s awareness of rare morphology of the roots.


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Abberant root morphology; Permanent first molar; Premature birth

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