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This study used sodium fluorescein to improve imaging diagnostic ability by increasing the fluorescence difference between sound enamel and caries lesions. It also made it easier to discriminate between stain and caries lesions using quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF).
Half of the specimen surface was covered with nail varnish as a control. Specimens were divided randomly in six decalcification groups and decalcified for different lengths of time. Then, ¥ÄF was measured using QLF-D. After applying 0.075% sodium fluorescein, we measured ¥ÄF again and compared it with the initial value. After cutting the central portion of the specimen, we measured the lesion depth using scanning electron microscopy.
The lesion surfaces observed with QLF were darker than normal enamel, whereas they were lighter than normal enamel after applying fluorescein. Longer decalcification time was associated with greater fluorescent dye penetration. The ¥ÄF measured after applying fluorescein was higher than the initial value (p < 0.05).
Due to QLF measurement using fluorescein being more sensitive for diagnosing early decalcification, this approach will enable early diagnosis of dental caries before the cavity formation stage, allowing the treatment of early caries lesions. With QLF and sodium fluorescein, we can easily discriminate between stain and caries lesions.


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Dental caries; Quantitative light-induced fluorescence; Sodium fluorescein

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