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Critical pathway (CP) defines the optimal care process, sequencing and timing of intervention by multidisciplinary health care teams for a particular diagnosis and procedure. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness and the satisfaction of patients and dental staff after implementation of a critical pathway for the dental treatment of disabled children and adolescents under conscious sedation.
Thirty patients are divided in two groups (Pre-CP and CP) at the department of Pediatric Dentistry of Pusan National University Dental Hospital. The satisfaction levels of patients/guardians and the staff members were collected by survey questionnaire. The parents¡¯satisfaction was significantly improved after the implementation of CP. Also, medical/dental staff members were highly satisfied with its usefulness. The application of a critical pathway for disabled children and adolescents might be useful and improve the satisfaction of the parents and medical/dental staff members.


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Critical pathway; Conscious sedation; Disabled children

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