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´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2015³â 42±Ç 3È£ p.249 ~ 256
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Áö¸í°ü:Jih Myeong-Kwan ÀÌ»óÈ£:Lee Sang-Ho/À̳­¿µ:Lee Nan-Young


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Restorative dental materials have advanced rapidly, with improved physical properties that improve survival rates. Accordingly, various materials can be selected. Amalgam, composite resin, glass-ionomer cement, and preformed stainless steel crowns have all been used widely for the restoration of dental caries in primary molars.
The various dental materials used to treat proximal caries in the primary molars have distinct advantages and disadvantages. However, few studies have examined their survival rates. This retrospective study examined the 2-year survival rates of more than 700 class II restorations of proximal caries in primary molars clinically and radiologically according to the type of restoration.
The study results should help in the selection of class II restorations for molars, one of the biggest concerns of pediatric dentists.


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Primary teeth; Molar; Dental caries; Dental materials; Permanent dental restoration

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