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Complicated crown-root fracture of permanent incisors cause esthetic, functional, and psychological problems to patients. Therefore, treatment is important and multidisciplinary treatment is required.
This case report describes the clinical procedures involved in the treatment of trauma-induced complicated crown-root fractures in the maxillary incisor of two young patients. Conventional root canal treatment and apexification were performed in each patient. To expose the fracture margins to the supragingival level and to reestablish the biologic width, orthodontic extrusions with fixed appliances were performed followed by a retention period. During the retention period, fiber-optic posts and cores were built up and provisional crowns were placed. Finally, ceramic crowns manufactured using a computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system were placed.
In both patients, the teeth presented satisfactory functional and esthetic outcomes without relapse. The periodontal tissues were healthy.


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Complicated crown-root fracture; Maxillary incisors; Orthodontic extrusion; Esthetic restoration

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