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Cervical Headgear¿Í Hotz ÀåÄ¡¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ II±Þ I·ù ºÎÁ¤±³ÇÕÀÇ Ä¡·á : Áõ·Ê º¸°í Treatment for Class II Division I Malocclusion Using Cervical Headgear and Hotz Appliance: A Case Report

´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2016³â 43±Ç 1È£ p.70 ~ 78
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Á¶¿ëÁ¦:Cho Yong-Jae ±è¼±¹Ì:Kim Seon-Mi/ÃÖ³²±â:Choi Nam-Ki


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Many types of orthopedic appliances have been developed and used for the treatment of class II malocclusion in pediatric dentistry. Headgear is one of the extraoral appliances, which is used for the purpose of preventing the overgrowth of maxilla. Hotz appliance is used in couple with a cervical headgear for the expansion of maxilla and retraction of maxillary incisors.
This case report is about the orthodontic treatment of three patients with class II division I malocclusion. These young patients were given orthopedic treatment in combination with a cervical headgear and Hotz appliance. After the treatment using these extraoral and intraoral appliances, succeeding treatments were practiced considering individual needs as follows: fixed orthodontic appliance for mandibular anterior crowding, Class II activator for retention and additory orthopedic treatment and the retention with Hotz appliance.
Young patients with Class II division I malocclusion reported in this study received the orthodontic treatment using a cervical headgear and Hotz appliance as well as appropriate succeeding treatment afterward. All patients received improved convex profiles and lip protrusions by retracting maxilla and maxillary incisors.


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Cervical headgear; Hotz appliance; Class II malocclusion; Orthodontic treatment

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