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Bulk-fill º¹ÇÕ·¹Áø°ú ÀüÅëÀû º¹ÇÕ·¹ÁøÀÇ ¹°¼ººñ±³ Comparison of the Mechanical Properties between Bulk-fill and Conventional Composites

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Composites are the most useful restorative material. However, composites have some disadvantages such as polymerization shrinkage, long working time, and susceptibility to water and contamination, which are stood out more especially when treating children. To solve these problems, bulk-fill composites have been developed. The aim of this study is to compare mechanical properties of bulk-fill and conventional composites. Bulk-fill composites (SureFil SDR flow (SDR), Tetric N-Ceram bulk fill (TBF)) and conventional composites (Filtek Z-350 (Z-350), Unifil Flow (UF), Unifil Loflo Plus (UL)) were used. The Vickers hardness tester was used to measure the microhardness of materials, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to measure the degree of conversion. Polymerization shrinkage was measured by using a linometer. Flexural and compressive properties were measured by using the universal testing machine. Data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and Scheffe's post hoc test. The level of significance was set to p < 0.05. Most conventional composites showed higher microhardness than bulk-fill composites. However, bulk-fill composites showed a higher top/bottom microhardness ratio than conventional composites. Bulk-fill composites showed a higher top/bottom degree of conversion ratio than conventional composites. The polymerization shrinkage was highest in UL and lowest in Z-350. The polymerization shrinkage of flowable composites was higher than that of non flowable composites. The compressive properties were highest in Z-350 and lowest in SDR and UL. In terms of flexural properties, Z-350 was the highest. However, none of the bulk-fill composites exhibited mechanical properties as good as those of conventional composites. Nonetheless, the ratio of microhardness and degree of conversion, which are important properties of bulk filling, were higher in bulk-fill composites. Therefore, the bulk-fill composites might be considered suitable restorative materials in pediatric dentistry.


Bulk-fill º¹ÇÕ·¹Áø ; ¹Ì¼¼°æµµ ; ÁßÇÕµµ ; ÁßÇÕ¼öÃà
Bulk-fill composites ; Microhardness ; Degree of conversion ; Polymerization shrinkage

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