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ÀÇ·á ¼­ºñ½º¿Í µðÀÚÀÎ Medical Service with Design

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In connection with medical care, designs have been developed by forming relationships, typically supporting Visual Communication Design, Product Design and Environment Design healthcare environment aesthetically pleasing and convenient. However, in recent designs, expertise has increased, new areas specialized are merged with various areas and academic disciplines and subdivided. In addition, due to the development of technology, the design has been continuously changing, creating a new form of model by fusing with various industries, academics and services. Recognizing the changes and developments of these designs, we are promoting research on utilization of design in medical services, we can create a new value by getting out of design that we have limitedly used in areas of traditional design I will try to know about developing into a design.


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Medical Service ; Service Design ; Communication Design

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