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À¯ÂøµÈ À¯±¸Ä¡¿Í ÈÄ¼Ó ¿µ±¸ ¼Ò±¸Ä¡ÀÇ ¸ÍÃâ À¯µµ : Áõ·Êº¸°í Ankylosed Primary Molar and Eruption Guidance of Succeeded Permanent Premolar : Case Reports

´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2017³â 44±Ç 1È£ p.99 ~ 107
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ÀåÇÏ¿µ ( Jang Ha-Young ) 
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In the management of ankylosed primary molars, early diagnosis, proper treatment, and thorough follow-ups are very important. Untreated infraocclusion due to ankylosis has a negative impact on normal occlusal development, and may cause problems. There are many treatment options on infraoccluded deciduous molars, such as periodic observation, conservative method, restoration, and space regaining via extraction of the teeth. In this case report, two 6-year-old girls were diagnosed with ankylosed maxillary second primary molar and displaced tooth germ of the second premolar. Early surgical removal of the ankylosed primary molar was considered as a treatment approach. The long-term follow-up shows normal eruption of a succeeded permanent premolar.


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Ankylosis ;Infraocclusion ;Tooth germ displacement ;Eruption guidance

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