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¼­¿ï °ÅÁÖ ¿Ü±¹ÀÎ ¾Æµ¿ÀÇ Ä¡°ú ÀÌ¿ë ½ÇÅ Á¶»ç A Survey on Utilization of Dental Services by Foreign Children in Seoul

´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2017³â 44±Ç 2È£ p.154 ~ 163
Vanda Rute Mateus, ¼±¿¹Áö, ÀÌÈ¿¼³, ±è½ÂÇý, ÀÌÁ¦È£,
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This study aims to investigate the utilization status of dental services by foreign children living in Seoul and their level of satisfaction with the treatments. We developed a structured questionnaire with 35 questions, which comprised 14 questions (demographic characteristics) and 21 questions (oral hygiene and dental experience of the child). In this study, the distribution of nationality of 391 participants differed from the actual statistics in Korea. It consisted of high percentage of participants from African countries (23.6%), as well as North American countries (24.1%). In addition, the education status of most parents was above the level of college graduate. Despite the relatively high socioeconomic status of the participants, they showed minimal dental health knowledge regarding the aspect of oral hygiene. Utilization of dental health services and the types of dental clinics visited by them were similar before and after coming to Korea. The participants showed overall satisfaction with the care, but many of them expressed the need for improvement with regard to treatment fee and communication. In conclusion, foreign children living in Seoul require appropriate dental health education and governmental support to promote regular dental check-ups, to improve their overall oral health, and prevent the incidence of dental caries.


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Foreign children ;Dental service ;Seoul

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