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Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency treatment that stimulates blood circulation and breathing when the function of the heart stops or stops breathing. CPR can be divided by basic life support (BLS) and advanced life support (ALS). BLS involves the use of chest compression to force the blood flow to the main organs, rescue breathing to improve the breathing to the respiratory failure patient and the use automated external defibrillator (AED). The categories of advanced life support include advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS) for adult and pediatric advanced life support (PALS) for children. In the treatment of dental care for children, which is extremely difficult to deal with, and for a variety of reasons, the use of sedation is considered to treat the children who are unlikely to cooperate with dentistry. This is why there is an increasing possibility of an emergency situation involving cardiac arrest. PALS includes the BLS, and it presents a systematic algorithm to treat respiratory failure, shock and cardiogenic cardiac arrest. In order to manage emergency situations in the pediatric dental clinic, respiratory support is most important. Therefore, mastering professional PALS, which includes respiratory care and core cases, particularly upper airway obstruction and respiratory depression caused by a respiratory control problem, would be highly desirable for a physician who treats pediatric dental patients. Regular training and renewal training every two years is necessary to be able to immediately implement professional skills in emergency situations.


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Pediatric Dentist ;Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ;Basic life support ;Pediatric advanced life support ;Dental sedation

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