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ÃÖ±Ù ¼Ò°³µÈ »ó¾ÆÁú Á¢ÂøÁ¦ÀÇ Àü´Ü Á¢Âø °­µµ ºñ±³ An Evaluation of Shear Bond Strength of New Dentin Bonding Agents

´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2017³â 44±Ç 3È£ p.358 ~ 364
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For the purpose of convenience and reducing time, newer bonding agents have been developed for composite resin restoration. Recently developed one bottle bonding system including etching, primer and adhesive can make procedures simpler and less technique-sensitive than old generation adhesives. The aim of this study was comparing the shear bond strength of new dentin bonding agents to the 5th generation bonding agent which had an etching step.

78 premolar teeth were randomly divided into three groups which were treated with Tetric¢ç N-Bond Universal (Ivoclar Vivadent, Liechtenstein), GC¢ç G-Premio BOND (GC Co., Japan) without additional etching step and 3M¢â Single Bond2 (3M ESPE, USA) with an etching step following manufacturer¡¯s instructions. Filtek¢â Z-350 (3M ESPE, USA) composite resin was applied and light cured over bonding agents. For shear bond strength evaluation, universal testing machine was used with a wedge technique. As a result, shear bond strength of one step bonding agents was lower than two step bonding agent and there were statistically significant differences between them (p < 0.05). In addition, within the result of two new bonding agents, Tetric¢ç N-Bond Universal showed significantly higher shear bond strength than GC¢ç G-Premio BOND (p < 0.05).


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Dentin bonding agent;Shear bond strength;Acid etching;Enamel

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