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The purpose of this research is analyzing present condition, and pursuing developmental direction of consultation to department of dentistry for medical inpatient with dental trauma. This research conducted a retrospective analysis of consultation to department of dentistry for medical inpatient at Wonju Severance Christian Hospital from March 2011 to February 2017. This research analyzed chief complaint and dental diagnosis, referring department, time of consultation after dental trauma, relation between hospitalization period and time of consultation after dental trauma, relation between dental trauma and admission in the medical department due to trauma, cause and age of dental trauma occurrence, treatment of dental trauma, and revisiting rate of inpatient with dental trauma after discharge. Among all the chief complaint and dental diagnosis, dental trauma was the highest. Among all the referring departments, departments of surgery were the highest. In relation to being delayed of consultation term after dental trauma, it turned out that there¡¯s pretty high mutual relation between the hospitalization period and the consultation term after dental trauma, and the hospitalization period had the quantitative influence on the consultation term. Statistically, dental trauma and admission in the medical department due to trauma had significant relations. In case of those patients due to car accidents, they had dental trauma without exception. Statistically, patient¡¯s group with dental trauma in hospital room was younger than patient¡¯s group with dental trauma in non-hospital room. Statistically, dental trauma and treatment in hospitalization had no significant relations, and dental trauma and revisiting department of dentistry after discharge had no significant relations. For the child and adolescent inpatients hospitalized for car accidents, there is high possibility of accompanying dental trauma, and dental consultations can be delayed. For the young child inpatients, the possibility of dental trauma occurrence in hospital room is high. Moreover, treatments during hospitalization and revisiting department of pediatric dentistry after discharge are not performed well for inpatients with dental trauma. Regarding these results, it can be an alternative that improving of consultation system, dedicated workforce placement and having dental facilities and equipment in the hospital ward, education to medical doctor and dentist, communication between medical doctor and dentist. This research can be used as a study material of medical and dental departments, and it¡¯s expected to be committed to developing of consultations to department of dentistry for child and adolescent inpatients with dental trauma.


Consultation to department of dentistry; Dental trauma; Inpatient; Child and adolescent

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