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During orthodontic treatment, formation of white spot lesions (WSLs) around brackets has long been recognized as a potential risk. This study performed to investigate effect of preventing enamel demineralization and remineralization by application of fluoride-containing orthodontic primer. Fifty extracted bovine incisors teeth were randomly allocated to 3 groups: (I) Non-preparation specimens, (II) Application of Light Bond¢â as fluoride containing orthodontic primer, (III) Application of Transbond¢â XT Primer as traditional orthodontic primer without fluoride. Each group is demineralized under artificial carious solution. The demineralization pattern was evaluated using a Q-ray view, Vickers hardness test and polarized light microscope. The remained primer was calculated as 35 - 50%. The highest surface microhardness was shown on Light Bond¢â surface. There were statistically significant differences in Vickers microhardness number between adjacent areas of Light Bond¢â and non-prepared area. There was almost no demineralization of the enamel surface under the Light Bond¢â. At the adjacent site of Light Bond¢â, the shallow caries pattern and remineralization appearance were also observed. These results suggest that the use of fluoride-containing primers may be useful for bracket attachment to reduce enamel demineralization during orthodontic treatment.


Enamel demineralization; Remineralization; Fluoride containing orthodontic primer

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