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´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 45±Ç 1È£ p.41 ~ 56
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Áö¸í°ü ( Jih Myeong-Kwan ) 
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The purpose of this study was to provide clinical recommendations for restoration with selection of the most similar zirconia crown by 3-dimensional analysis of the shape of the maxillary primary central and lateral incisors in Korean individuals and prefabricated zirconia crowns. The average shape of the sound maxillary primary central and lateral incisors in 300 children was reproduced by 3-dimensional scanning. Zirconia crowns of 4 manufacturers (NuSmile ZR¢ç Crown, Cheng Crowns¢ç, Kinder Krowns¢ç, and EZ Pedo¢ç Crown) were scanned 3-dimensionally, and coordinates for comparison of the shape were measured to evaluate the similarity between the teeth and crowns. The most similar crowns were selected by comparing the mesiodistal length, crown height, crown shape ratio, distance between the same coordinates of a tooth and crown, the radius of curvature of the labial surface, and the volume. As a result of analysis, Cheng Crowns¢ç size 3 and NuSmile ZR¢ç Crown size 2 were the most similar crowns in the maxillary primary central and lateral incisors, respectively. Scanning the inner surface of the crowns and evaluating the amount of tooth reduction required suggested that an overall lesser amount of tooth reduction compared to that presented by the manufacturer¡¯s guidelines should be performed.


Primary anterior zirconia crowns; Korean tooth models; 3-dimensional scanning; Amount of tooth reduction

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