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Biodentine¢âÀÇ °æÈ­½Ã°£¿¡ µû¸¥ ¹Ì¼¼´©Ãâ°ú Àü´Ü°áÇÕ°­µµ Microleakage and Shear Bond Strength of Biodentine at Different Setting Time

´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 45±Ç 3È£ p.344 ~ 353
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The purposes of this study were to evaluate microleakage of Biodentine, one of the tricalcium silicate based pulpcapping materials, and to compare the shear bond strength between composite resin and Biodentine with different setting times. For microleakage evaluation, 70 bovine teeth were used. Cavities were formed on the labial surfaces and filled with Biodentine. The teeth were divided into seven groups, each consisting of 10 teeth. The specimens were prepared by applying the composite resin on the upper side after different setting times. To evaluate shear bond strength, 210 acrylic resin blocks with central grooves were prepared, and the grooves were filled with Biodentine. The acrylic resin blocks were divided into seven groups of 30 specimens each, and the specimens were prepared by applying the composite resin on the upper side after different setting times. In samples with setting time of 24 hours or longer period, the microleakage between composite resin and Biodentine was reduced significantly while the shear bond strength increased to offset the polymerization shrinkage of the composite resin. Setting Biodentine for more than 24 hours before composite resin restoration would lead to more favorable clinical result.


Biodentine; Microleakage; Pulp capping material; Setting time; Shear bond strength

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