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´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 46±Ç 2È£ p.209 ~ 218
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This study was aimed to evaluate orofacial morphologies on the cases of developmental disorders of maxillary first molars.
Panoramic radiographs, lateral cephalographs, and clinical photos of 2983 children who attended the Pediatric Dental Clinic of Pusan National University Dental Hospital from 2006 to August 2017 were assessed retrospectively. 34 patients were selected whose maxillary first molars were missed or developmentally delayed unilaterally or bilaterally. Demirjian¡¯ s method was used for estimating dental age, then which was compared to chronologic age of children. Parameters expressing skeletal and dentoalveolar disharmony were checked and compared with control. Additionally, occlusion relationship was evaluated.
Maxillary dental age was significantly delayed compared to chronologic age. Several parameters which show skeletal open-bite tendency and skeletal class III malocclusion with maxillary retrusion were statistically significant. Anterior crossbite and edge-bite were expected in most of these cases, but compensation by occlusion and soft tissue was also verified which might mask skeletal class III tendency.
Congenital missed or developmentally delayed maxillary first molars might be related with declined growth of maxilla.
If developmental disorders of maxillary first molars were verified during clinical examination, careful monitoring of orofacial growth was necessary during puberty and timed orthopedic and orthodontic intervention were considered.


Maxillary first molar; Congenital missing; Delayed development; Skeletal class III malocclusion

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