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As a common side effect of fixed orthodontic treatment, demineralization of the enamel adjacent to the bracket and band occurs in patients with poor oral hygiene. The purpose of this study was to investigate what is the most effective method to prevent demineralization around the fixed orthodontic appliance among various methods using fluoride. 80 extracted bovine incisors with a healthy surface were classified into four groups as experimental materials: (Group I) Control group, (Group II) V varnishTM, (Group III) Tooth Mousse Plus¢ç, (Group IV) VanishTM XT. After treatment for each group, mineral loss and Vickers surface microhardness were measured at 0, 30, 60 and 90 days after demineralization in artificial carious solution. Mineral loss was the lowest in group IV, followed by group II and group III, which showed a significant difference. The surface microhardness was the lowest in group IV, followed by group II and group III, which showed a significant difference. Through this study, group IV showed the best effect to prevent enamel demineralization around the bracket. Group III showed significant prevention of enamel demineralization compared with the control group, but the effect was less than that of the other groups.


Fluoride ion; Enamel demineralization; Quantitative light-induced fluorescence; Microhardness

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