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ÃÖ¼Òħ½ÀÀû º¹ÇÕ·¹Áø ¼öº¹À» À§ÇÑ ·¹ÁøħÅõ¹ýÀÇ È°¿ë Utilization of Resin Infiltration for the Minimally Invasive Composite Restoration

´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 46±Ç 4È£ p.382 ~ 391
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This study was aimed to assess the new trial for minimal cavity preparation in composite restoration combined with resin infiltration, focusing at application sequence. 32 human primary molars with early carious lesions around small cavity were selected and randomly divided into two groups, according to the sequence of cavity preparation (P), composite filling (F) and resin infiltration (I) as IPF and PFI group. Each group was assessed about amount of tooth reduction, features of resin infiltration, and marginal leakage around restoration. Amount of tooth reduction evaluated using micro-CT was decreased compared with the original lesion size in both groups. Features of resin infiltration were verified under confocal laser scanning microscopy. In both groups, infiltrant resin was found on all around the composite and maintained in spite of extent of decalcification even after artificial caries induction. Marginal micro leakage assessed with silver nitrate immersion and micro-CT was found more frequently in PFI group. The technique combining resin infiltration and composite restoration might ensure better adhesion prognosis as applied by the sequence of resin infiltration, cavity preparation, and composite filling. This new trial was thought meaningful in minimizing the cavity size and contributing to minimal invasive dentistry.


Minimal cavity preparation; Resin infiltration; Micro-CT; Marginal leakage

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