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½Å¼®È¸ÁõÀ» µ¿¹ÝÇÑ Èñ±ÍÇÑ ¹ý¶ûÁú Çü¼º ºÎÀüÁõ : Áõ·Ê º¸°í Enamel Renal Syndrome: A Case Report of Amelogenesis Imperfecta Associated with Nephrocalcinosis

´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 47±Ç 3È£ p.344 ~ 351
ÃÖ¼öÁö, ¼Õ¿µ¹è, Áö¼÷, ¼Û½ÂÀÏ, ½ÅÁ¤¿ø, ±è½ÂÇý,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
ÃÖ¼öÁö ( Choi Soo-Ji ) 
Ajou University Dental Hospital Department of Pediatric Dentistry

¼Õ¿µ¹è ( Sohn Young-Bae ) 
Ajou University School of Medicine Ajou University Hospital Department of Medical Genetics
Áö¼÷ ( Ji Suk ) 
Ajou University Dental Hospital Department of Periodontology
¼Û½ÂÀÏ ( Song Seung-Il ) 
Ajou University Dental Hospital Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
½ÅÁ¤¿ø ( Shin Jeong-Won ) 
Ajou University Dental Hospital Department of Orthodontics
±è½ÂÇý ( Kim Seung-Hye ) 
Ajou University Dental Hospital Department of Pediatric Dentistry


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Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) occurs either in isolation or in association with other dental abnormalities and systemic disorder. A rare syndrome associating AI with nephrocalcinosis was named as Enamel Renal Syndrome (ERS; OMIM #204690). This syndrome is characterized by severe enamel hypoplasia, failed tooth eruption, intra pulpal calcifications, enlarged gingiva, and nephrocalcinosis. Nephrocalcinosis is a condition where calcium salts are deposited in renal tissue, and this may lead to critical kidney complications. This rare syndrome shows pathognomonic oral characteristics that are easily detectable at an early age, which proceeds the onset of renal involvement. Pediatric dentists are the first oral health practitioners whom ERS patients will meet at early age. The role of pediatric dentists is critically important for early diagnosis and referral of patients to both nephrologists for renal assessment and geneticists for identification of causative mutation and diagnosis. Early detection of renal involvement may provide chances to prevent further undesired renal complications.


Enamel Renal Syndrome (ERS); Amelogenesis Imperfecta; Nephrocalcinosis

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