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¼­¿ï´ëÇб³Ä¡°úº´¿ø ¼Ò¾ÆÄ¡°ú ºÎÁ¤±³ÇÕ È¯ÀÚÀÇ ºÐÆ÷¾ç»ó Distribution of Pediatric Malocclusion Patients in Seoul National University Dental Hospital

´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2021³â 48±Ç 2È£ p.140 ~ 150
À̼ÒÇǾÆ, ¼ÛÁö¼ö, ½ÅÅÍÀü, ±è¿µÀç, ±èÁ¤¿í, Àå±âÅÃ, ÇöÈ«±Ù,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
À̼ÒÇǾƠ( Rhee Sophia ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry

¼ÛÁö¼ö ( Song Ji-Soo ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
½ÅÅÍÀü ( Shin Teo-Jeon ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
±è¿µÀç ( Kim Young-Jae ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
±èÁ¤¿í ( Kim Jung-Wook ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Àå±âÅà( Jang Ki-Taeg ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
ÇöÈ«±Ù ( Hyun Hong-Keun ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry


À̹ø ¿¬±¸´Â 2017 - 2019³â¿¡ ¼­¿ï´ëÇб³Ä¡°úº´¿ø ¼Ò¾ÆÄ¡°ú¿¡ ³»¿øÇÏ¿© ±³Á¤ Áø´ÜÀ» ¹ÞÀº 580¸íÀÇ È¯ÀÚ¸¦ ´ë»óÀ¸·Î Á¶»ç¸¦ ½ÃÇàÇÏ¿´´Ù. ÀÌ ¿¬±¸´Â ¼Ò¾ÆÄ¡°ú¿¡ ³»¿øÇÏ´Â ±³Á¤È¯ÀÚÀÇ °ñ°Ý ÇüŸ¦ Ãø¸ðµÎºÎ¹æ»ç¼± ºÐ¼®À¸·Î ÆľÇÇÏ°í °ñ°Ý ÇüÅÂ¿Í °ü·ÃµÈ ÀÓ»óÀû Ư¡°úÀÇ »ó°ü°ü°è¸¦ ºÐ¼®ÇÏ°íÀÚ ÇÏ¿´´Ù. ¶ÇÇÑ, °ñ°Ý ÇüÅ¿¡ µû¶ó ÇàÇØÁø Ä¡·á¹æ¹ý¿¡ ´ëÇØ Á¶»çÇÏ¿© ÀÓ»óÀÇ°¡ ±³Á¤Ä¡·á °èȹ ¼ö¸³½Ã µµ¿òÀ̵ǰíÀÚ ½ÃÇàµÇ¾ú´Ù.
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A total of 580 patients, who visited and received an orthodontic diagnosis in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Seoul National University Dental Hospital from 2017 to 2019, were investigated in this study. The aim of this study was to evaluate skeletal patterns of pediatric orthodontic patients determined with lateral cephalometric analysis and to analyze the relationship between skeletal pattern and probable associated clinical features. Also, the modality of orthodontic treatment for each skeletal classification was investigated to aid in therapeutic decisions.
Patients aged 7 year accounted for the largest age group; 54.2% of patients showed a skeletal class I pattern, 22.2% showed a skeletal class II pattern, and 23.6% showed a skeletal class III pattern. Bi-maxillary retrusion for skeletal class I, retruded mandible with normal positioning of the maxilla for skeletal class II, and retrusion of the maxilla with protrusion of the mandible for skeletal class III were the largest subgroups by skeletal pattern. Brachyfacial type accounted for 55.0% of patients, followed by 31.9% of mesofacial type and 13.1% of dolichofacial type. The prevalence of anterior crossbite in the study was 43.3%, higher than that in previous studies.


Pediatric dentistry; Orthodontic patients; Distribution; Skeletal pattern; Anterior crossbite

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