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CBCT ¹× 3D CT¸¦ È°¿ëÇÑ »ó¾Ç À¯±¸Ä¡ Ä¡±Ù°ú ±Ù°ü ÇüÅ Root and Canal Morphology of Maxillary Primary Molar using CBCT and 3D CT

´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2021³â 48±Ç 4È£ p.437 ~ 448
±èÁØÈñ, ±èÇöÅÂ, ½ÅÅÍÀü, ÇöÈ«±Ù, ±è¿µÀç, ±èÁ¤¿í, Àå±âÅÃ, ¼ÛÁö¼ö,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
±èÁØÈñ ( Kim Joon-Hee ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry

±èÇöÅ ( Kim Hyun-Tae ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
½ÅÅÍÀü ( Shin Teo-Jeon ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
ÇöÈ«±Ù ( Hyun Hong-Keun ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
±è¿µÀç ( Kim Young-Jae ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
±èÁ¤¿í ( Kim Jung-Wook ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Àå±âÅà( Jang Ki-Taeg ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
¼ÛÁö¼ö ( Song Ji-Soo ) 
Seoul National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry


ÀÌ ¿¬±¸ÀÇ ¸ñÀûÀº »ó¾Ç À¯±¸Ä¡ÀÇ Ä¡±Ù ¹× ±Ù°üÀÇ ÇüÅÂÇÐÀû Ư¼ºÀ» ºÐ¼®ÇÏ´Â °ÍÀÌ´Ù. 2006³â 1¿ùºÎÅÍ 2020³â 4¿ù±îÁö ¼­¿ï´ëÇб³ Ä¡°úº´¿ø¿¡¼­ CBCT ¹× 3D CT¸¦ ÃÔ¿µÇÑ 3 - 7¼¼ ȯÀÚ ÃÑ 268¸í(³²ÀÚ 175¸í, ¿©ÀÚ 93¸í)ÀÌ ¿¬±¸¿¡ Æ÷ÇԵǾúÀ¸¸ç, Ä¡±Ù Èí¼ö¿Í Ä¡¼öº´º¯ÀÌ ¾ø´Â ÃÑ 1002°³ÀÇ »ó¾Ç À¯±¸Ä¡ÀÇ Ä¡±Ù°ú ±Ù°ü ¼ö¸¦ ºÐ¼®ÇÏ¿´´Ù. 218°³ÀÇ Ä¡¾Æ¿¡ ´ëÇØ Ä¡±Ù°ú ±Ù°üÀÇ ÇüÅÂ, ÀÌ°³°¢µµ, Ä¡±Ù°ú ±Ù°üÀÇ ±æÀÌ ¹× ±Ù°üÀÇ ´Ü¸é ÇüŸ¦ ºÐ¼®ÇÏ¿´´Ù. 48°³ÀÇ Ä¡¾Æ¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­´Â Mimics ¹× 3-Matics software¸¦ »ç¿ëÇÏ¿© Ä¡±Ù Ä¡¼öÀÇ ºÎÇÇ¿Í Ç¥¸éÀû, Ä¡±Ù-Ä¡¼ö ºñ¸¦ ÃøÁ¤ÇÏ¿´´Ù. Àý¹Ý ÀÌ»óÀÌ 3°³ÀÇ Ä¡±Ù°ú 3°³ÀÇ ±Ù°üÀ» °¡Áö°í ÀÖ¾ú´Ù. Á¿ìÃø Ä¡¾ÆÀÇ ´ëĪ¼º(Cohen¡¯s kappa coefficient)Àº ¾à 0.63À̾ú´Ù. Ä¡±Ù°ú ±Ù°üÀÇ ÇüÅ´ »ó¾Ç Á¦1À¯±¸Ä¡¿¡¼­´Â Á÷¼±ÇüÀÌ, Á¦2À¯±¸Ä¡¿¡¼­´Â °î¼±ÇüÀÌ ¸¹ÀÌ °üÂûµÇ¾ú´Ù. Ä¡±ÙÀÇ ÀÌ°³ Á¤µµ, Ä¡±Ù°ú ±Ù°üÀÇ ±æÀÌ´Â »ó¾Ç Á¦1, 2À¯±¸Ä¡ ¸ðµÎ ±¸°³Ãø Ä¡±Ù¿¡¼­ °¡Àå Å©°Ô ³ªÅ¸³µ´Ù. ±Ù´ÜºÎ¿¡¼­ ±Ù°üÀÇ ´Ü¸é ÇüÅ´ ÁÖ·Î ovoid ȤÀº roundÇüÀ̾ú´Ù. Ä¡±Ù Ä¡¼öÀÇ ºÎÇÇ¿Í Ç¥¸éÀû, Ä¡±Ù-Ä¡¼ö ºñ´Â »ó¾Ç Á¦1,2À¯±¸Ä¡ ¸ðµÎ ±¸°³Ãø Ä¡±Ù Ä¡¼ö¿¡¼­ °¡Àå Å©°Ô ³ªÅ¸³µ´Ù.

The purpose of this study is to analyze morphological characteristics of maxillary primary molar¡¯s root and root canal. 268 children aged 3 - 7 years (175 boys, 93 girls) who had CBCT (152 children) and 3D CT (116 children) taken in Seoul National University Dental Hospital from January 2006 to April 2020 were included. The number of roots and root canals were analyzed in 1002 teeth without any root resorption or periapical pathologies. Curvature, angulation, length of root and root canal, as well as cross-sectional shapes of the root canal were analyzed in 218 teeth. By using Mimics and 3-Matics software, volume, surface area, and volume ratio of root canal was analyzed in 48 teeth. More than half of maxillary primary molars have 3 roots and 3 root canals. The degree of symmetry of root canal type was about 0.63 (Cohen¡¯s kappa coefficient). The most frequent shape of roots and canals was linear in 1st primary molars and curved in 2nd primary molars. Angulation, length of root and root canals was the largest on palatal roots. Most teeth showed ovoid or round shapes at apex. The largest root canal volume, surface area, volume ratio was found in the palatal roots.


Primary molars; Root canal; Cone-beam computerized tomography; 3D computerized tomography; Mimics; 3-Matics software

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