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´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2022³â 49±Ç 4È£ p.368 ~ 378
ÀÌÇسª, ¹Ú¼Ò¿µ, ½ÅÁ¾Çö, Á¤Å¼º, ÀÌÀº°æ,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
ÀÌÇسª ( Lee Hae-Na ) 
Pusan National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry

¹Ú¼Ò¿µ ( Park So-Young ) 
Pusan National University Dental Hospital Department of Pediatric Dentistry
½ÅÁ¾Çö ( Shin Jong-Hyun ) 
Pusan National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
Á¤Å¼º ( Jeong Tae-Sung ) 
Pusan National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry
ÀÌÀº°æ ( Lee Eun-Gyung ) 
Pusan National University School of Dentistry Department of Pediatric Dentistry


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The purpose of this study was to analyze the accessibility to dental facilities and the differences in chief complaints of new patients who visited Pusan National University Dental Hospital. We collected information from electronic medical records for 1,820 new patients. The accessibility was analyzed by measuring the distance from the patient¡¯s house to the dental facilities. The distance was categorized into 10 km sections, and the presence or absence of a local pediatric dental clinic within 10 km of the patient¡¯s house was also categorized. As the distance between the house and Pusan National University Dental Hospital increased, the proportion of patients who visited for dental caries decreased, and orthodontic treatment increased. Dental caries accounts for 27.9% of less than 10 km and 20.5% over 30 km. Orthodontic treatment accounts for 25.4% within 10 km and 27.3% more than 30 km away. The presence or absence of a local pediatric dental clinic within 10 km did not significantly affect the distribution of chief complaints. This study can be used as basic research data to establish effective treatment measures that can improve the physical and geographical accessibility of patients visiting pediatric dentistry.


Access; Geographic accessibility; Dental facility; Pediatric dentistry; Distribution

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