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Recent Advances in Image-enhanced Endoscopy

´ëÇѼÒÈ­±â³»½Ã°æÇÐȸÁö 2011³â 44±Ç 2È£ p.65 ~ 75
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Á¶¿ø¿µ ( Cho Won-Young ) 
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ÀåÀ翵 ( Jang Jae-Young ) 
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À̵·Çà ( Lee Don-Haeng ) 
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The desire to better recognized such malignancies, which may be difficult to distinguish from inflammation or trauma, has accelerated the development of endoscopy with new optical technologies. Narrow-band imaging is a novel endoscopic technique that may enhance the accuracy of diagnosis using narrow-bandwidth filters in a red-green-blue sequential illumination system. Autofluorescence imaging is based on the detection of natural tissue fluorescence emitted by endogenous molecules. I-scan technology using a digital filter that modifies normal images through software functions, is the newly developed image-enhanced endoscopic technology from PENTAX. Flexible spectral imaging color enhancement enhances the visualization of mucosal structure and microcirculation by the selection of spectral transmittance with a dedicated wavelength. Confocal laser endomicroscopy images were collected with an argon beam with a scanning depth of 0 (epithelium) to 250 ¥ìm (lamina propria) and analyzed using the reflected light.


Narrow-band imaging; Autofluorescence imaging; I-scan; Flexible spectral imaging color enhancement; Confocal laser endomicroscopy

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