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A Case of Oral-contraceptive Related Ischemic Colitis in Young Woman

´ëÇѼÒÈ­±â³»½Ã°æÇÐȸÁö 2011³â 44±Ç 2È£ p.129 ~ 132
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±è¼ºÈ¯ ( Kim Seong-Hwan ) 
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¼Õº´°ü ( Son Byoung-Kwan ) 
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Ischemic colitis is generally considered a disease of the elderly. The causes of ischemic colitis include low-flow states due to cardiac dysfunction or hypovolemia and certain medications including estrogen. Here we report a case of ischemic colitis in a 26-year-old woman. She had no specific medical history except taking oral-contraceptives for a long time. The mechanism of estrogen-induced ischemic colitis is not clearly understood. But we recommend that oral-contraceptives should be considered as a cause of ischemic colitis in young women.


Ischemic colitis; Oral contraceptives

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