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Rat ¿¡¼­ carboxymethyl chitosan ÀÇ º¹°­¼ö¼úÈÄ À¯ÂøÇü¼º¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â È¿°ú Effect of carboxymethyl chitosan on postoperative intraperitoneal adhesion formation in the rat

´ëÇѼöÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2000³â 40±Ç 3È£ p.635 ~ 643
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±Ç¿µ»ï/Kwon, Yong Sam À̱ٿì/±èÁ¤Àº/ÀåÀÎÈ£/À層ȣ/¿ÀÅÂÈ£/±ÇÀºÁÖ/Lee, Keun Woo/Kim, Jung Eun/Jang, In Ho/Jang, Kwang Ho/Oh, Tae Ho/Kwon, Eun Ju


º» ½ÇÇèÀº carboxymethyl chitosan(CMC)ÀÌ º¹°­À¯Âø¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â È¿°ú¸¦ ¹àÈ÷°íÀÚ ¼öÇàÇÏ¿´´Ù. ÃÑ 44¸¶¸®ÀÇ rat¸¦ À¯ÂøÀ¯µµÈÄ ¾Æ¹«·± óġÇÏÁö ¾ÊÀº ´ëÁ¶±º°ú °¢°¢ 1, 2, 3% CMC ¿ë¾× 3§¢·Î óġÇÑ 3°³ ½ÇÇ豺 µî ÃÑ 4±ºÀ¸·Î ³ª´©¾ú´Ù. À¯ÂøÀº ȸÀåÀÇ Àå°£¸· ¹Ý´ëÃø À帷ºÎÀ§¸¦ ³ëÃâ½ÃÄÑ ¼ö¼úµµ·Î 0.5 ¡¿ 1§¯ Å©±â·Î ±Ü¾î Á¡»óÃâÇ÷À» À¯µµÇÏ°í, ¿ìÃøº®Ãøº¹¸·À» 0.5 ¡¿ 1§¯ °£°ÝÀ¸·Î â»óÀ» À¯µµÇÑ ÈÄ µÎ â»óÀ» ºÀÇÕÇÏ¿´´Ù. 2ÁÖÈÄ halothane¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ¾È¶ô»ç ÈÄ À¯ÂøÁ¤µµ¸¦ computerized tensiometer·Î ÃøÁ¤ÇÏ¿´´Ù. À¯ÂøºÎ ºÐ¸®¿¡ ÇÊ¿äÇÑ Àå·Â(Newton)Àº ´ëÁ¶±ºÀÌ Æò±Õ 2.48¡¾0.88À̾úÀ¸¸ç, 1% CMC óġ±ºÀº 1.86¡¾0.56, 2% CMC óġ±ºÀº 1.75¡¾0.71, 3% CMC óġ±ºÀº Æò±Õ 1.55¡¾0.60·Î 3% CMC óġ±º¿¡¼­ À¯ÀÇÀûÀÎ °¨¼Ò(p<0.01)°¡ ³ªÅ¸³µ´Ù. ÀÌ»óÀÇ °á°ú·Î ¹Ì·ç¾î rat¿¡¼­ º¹°­¼ö¼úÈÄ CMCÀÇ º¹°­³» Åõ¿©´Â º¹°­Àå±â À¯Âø¹æÁö¿¡ È¿°úÀûÀ̶ó°í »ç·áµÈ´Ù.
The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of carboxymethyl chitosan(CMC) solution on preventing intraperitoneal adhesions. In this study, 44 rats were divided into four groups ; an untreated control group and three experimental groups that were treated with 3 §¢ of 1, 2 or 3% CMC solution, respectively. The anti-mesenteric serosa of the ileum was exteriorized and then abraded in a standard manner by scraping with a scalpel blade to create homogenous petechial hemorrhagic surface over a 0.5 ¡¿ 1 §¯ area. The adhesions were blindly assessed 2 weeks later by using a computerized tensiometer. The mean tensile strength(Newton) of formed adhesions was 2.48¡¾0.88 in control group, 1.86 ¡¾0.56 in the 1% CMC-treated group, 1.75 ¡¾0.71 in the 2% CMC-treated group and 1.55 ¡¾0.60 in the 3% CMC-treated group. The most favorable prevention against adhesion was achieved in the 3% CMC-treated group(p<0.01). We could conclude that CMC was effective on preventing the formation of postoperative small intestinal adhesions in the rat.


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