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Àå±â ÀǽÄÀå¾Ö Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness

´ëÇѽŰæ°úÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 38±Ç 1È£ p.9 ~ 15
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±è´ë¿µ ( Kim Dae-Young ) 
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Prolonged disorders of consciousness comprise a spectrum of impaired consciousness where arousal is preserved with impaired awareness, which last more than 4 weeks. Vegetative state is a prototype of the prolonged disorders of consciousness.A patient in the vegetative state has no signs of awareness. The minimally conscious state is characterized by inconsistent but reproducible signs of awareness and is regarded as a transitional state of recovery of consciousness. Differentiating patients in minimally conscious state from those in vegetative state is still challenging. Utilizing standardized neurobehavioral assessment tools could improve diagnostic accuracy. Recent advances in neuroimaging and electrophysiologic tools may aid the diagnosis and prognostication. Treatment for recovery of consciousness is still limited. More research on the diagnosis and treatment of prolonged disorders of consciousness is needed not only for improved care of patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness but also a greater understanding of human consciousness.


Consciousness disorders; Vegetative state; Minimally conscious state; Coma; Unresponsive wakefulness syndrome

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