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¿ì¸®¸» ½Å°æÇпë¾î Korean Neurological Terminology

´ëÇѽŰæ°úÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 38±Ç 3È£ p.175 ~ 182
ÇÏ»ó¿ø, ±è»ó¹ü, ±èº´°Ç, Á¶»ó°É, ¼ÛÈ«±â,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
ÇÏ»ó¿ø ( Ha Sang-Won ) 
Veterans Health Service Medical Center Department of Neurology

±è»ó¹ü ( Kim Sang-Beom ) 
Kyung Hee University School of Medicine Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong Department of Neurology
±èº´°Ç ( Kim Byung-Kun ) 
Eulji University School of Medicine Nowon Eulji Medical Center Department of Neurology
Á¶»ó°É ( Cho Sang-Gull ) 
Korea University College of Medicine Korea University Guro Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine
¼ÛÈ«±â ( Song Hong-Ki ) 
Hallym University College of Medicine Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital Department of Neurology


Experts have communicated and developed field of study through scientific terminology. However, medical terminologies are no longer used only by experts. As technology advances and society becomes more complex, the public encounter medical terminology more often. Therefore, medical experts need to revise the medical terms in simple and easy way to facilitate communication with the public. Korean Neurological Association has been make an efforts to manage the Korean terminologies in field of neurology. In this paper, we summarized principles of the use in Korean neurological terminologies, and frequently misused terms.


Medical terminology; Neurological terminology

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