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ÅÍÅ°¾È¿Í ¹× »óºÎ Á¾¾çÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °íÂû Clinical Study of Intra- and Suparsellar Tumor

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 22±Ç 2È£ p.229 ~ 239
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Tumorous lesion of intra- and suprasellar area showed unique clinical pictures and also was very hazardous and difficult to remove surgically because of the surrounding important anatomical structures.
Here, authors analyzed 28 confirmed tumor of this area during last two and half years retrospctively.
Histopathologically, 28 cases were classified in 14 pituitary adenoma cases (6 cases of nonfunctioning adenoma, 1 GH-secreting adenoma and 7 cases of prolactinoma), 7 craniopharyngioma cases, 3 meninigioma cases and each one case of germinoma,
cleft cyst, pituitary abscess and hamartoma.
Sexual incidence was 6:22 in male vs female ratio.
Twenty two cases were measured its diameter over 2cm and they extended to suprasellar area in all cases. Five cases of microadenoma were analyzed and they were all enclosed in sella turcica.
Visual impairment was the most frequent and prominent clinical symptom, of which incidence was 78.57% (22 cases). The next frequent symptoms were headache and generalized lethargy. Diabetes insipidus was a presenting symptom in 4 cases and
was noted in 4 cases preoperatively.
Surgical intervention was carried out in 23 cases, by the way, the performed type of surgery in 21 cases was a conventional transcranial frontotemporal (pterional) microsurgical method.
Post-operatively, diabetes insipidus was complicated in 78.26% and pituitary hypofunction was noted 34.78%. Two cases of intracranial hemorrhage was developed after surgery and one was died.
Through 6 to 28 months follow up, 82.1% of cases were improved in its clinicl status including 7 cured cases.


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