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µÎ°³°­³» "De Novo" µ¿¸Æ·ù Intracranial "De Novo" Aneurysms

´ëÇѽŰæ¿Ü°úÇÐȸÁö 1993³â 22±Ç 6È£ p.764 ~ 769
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There are numerous theories of pathophysiology in intracranial aneurysm, but currently accepted hypothesis was congenital defect of medial layer of vascular wall and the major deeloping factor was hemodynamics. Almost physcians were belived that
treatment of intracranial aneurysm was completely through clipping of aneurysmal neck. But many reports were emphasized newly developed intracranial (De Novo) aneurysm after clipping of initially identified intracranial aneurysm. The authors have
experienced of 2 cases intracranial "Do Novo" aneurysms. We are stress there were never completed treatment of aneurysm that cliiping of initially identified intracranial aneurysm and should be attention to "De Novo" aneurysm.


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